Material Engineering for Oil & Gas Industry
Ir. Slameto Wiryolukito, Ph.D
Rp. 2.000.000,- (For Students)
Course Brief
Materials Engineering are one of the top required knowledge that will help Oil and Gas Industry to deliver their products through all equipment and lines at the safest operational environment. One of key activities for Material Engineers involved in Oil and Gas Industry are managing corrosion prevention and selecting the suitable materials by considering all process parameters. Assets Integrity will contribute on maintaining equipment by applying methodology such as Risk Based Inspection, Fitness for Service and Remaining Life Assessment.
Knowledge of international standard for materials specifications such as ASME, API and ASTM will give guidance on material selection related with process and product requirements.
Therefore, materials engineering training on these topics offers both theoretical and practical knowledge that will give advantage to all participants who is planning to enter Oil and Gas Industry and boost their competency right away.
- Understand flow process in Oil and Gas Industry.
- Acquire knowledge of Materials engineering in Oil and Gas industry
- Mastery the theoretical and practical of Material Selection, Corrosion control, Damage Mechanism, Failure Analysis, and Risk Mitigation-including Preventive Maintenance and Inspections in Oil and Gas industry.
Target Audience
- Fresh Graduates or Final Year students from any Engineering & Science background who has career aspirations in Oil and Gas Industry
- Professionals who is seeking Materials Engineering knowledge for Oil and Gas Industry
- Newly hired employee in Oil and Gas Industry
Dr. Ir. Hermawan Judawisastra, M.Eng.
Hermawan Judawisastra is Associate Professor from Materials Engineering Department and vice dean for mechanical and aerospace engineering faculty, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia. He was completed postgraduate degree from Material Engineering Department of Metallurgy and Material Engineering, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium. Hermawan also contribute as Principal Engineer & Specialist at Yayasan LAPI and PT. LAPI ITB with more than 15 years’ experience and 400+ engineering project concerning in mechanical stress analysis, failure analysis, risk-based inspection, polymer and composite on industrial application.
Ir. Slameto Wiryolukito, Ph.D
Slameto Wiryolukito is PhD holder form Material Engineering Department, Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT), Chicago, USA. He was an Emeritus Associate Professor from Materials Engineering Department, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Bandung, Indonesia. Slameto is active member of American Society of Metals (ASM), Indonesian Association of Corrosion (INDOCOR), and National Association Corrosion Engineer (NACE). Currently Slameto become engineering expert in PT Rekayasa Solverindo with more than 30 years’ experience in industrial sector including oil and gas industry. He has been accomplished 450+ engineering project in international and national company.
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Key Learning Topics
Introduction section will provide the general overview of oil and gas processing on three main sectors: Upstream, Midstream, and Downstream. Indonesia is recognized to be a nation with many Oil and Gas companies employs thousands of people and creates hundreds of billions of dollars annually and contribute a significant amount towards national GDP. Indonesia has a roadmap to achieve the target of 1 million barrels of oil per day and 12 billion standard cubic feet per day of natural gas in 2030 by optimizing existing field production, transforming resources to production and massive exploration for major discoveries. Newly field acquisition from foreign companies to national company such as Chevron to Pertamina for Hulu Rokan field and Conoco Phillips to Medco Energi for Corridor Block at South Sumatera impact on asset maintenance aspect that require qualified resources. Thus, creates good opportunities for Engineers to play role in these business for at least 20 years from today.
Key Learning Topics:
- Oil and Gas Definition and Terminology
- The development of Surface Facility
- Overview of Oil and Gas Processing
- HSE Aspects in Oil and Gas Industry
Every single engineering aspect in oil and gas industry including design, construction and commissioning, operation, maintenance, and decommissioning phase will be elaborated comprehensively. As an engineer in oil and gas industry we need to understand the lifecycle of surface facility consist of relationship between environment, design, construction, operation and maintenance which involve combination of multidiscipline engineer such as process engineer, mechanical engineer, materials engineer, geologist, reservoir engineer, etc.
Key Learning Topics:
- The Lifecycle of Surface Facility
- Design Phase
- Construction & Commissioning
- Operation & Maintenance
- Decommissioning
- Code and standards
Materials engineering mainly consist of basic knowledges begin with processing, structure, properties, and performance. Introduction to materials engineering section will provide practical materials and its properties that most used on oil and gas equipment. This section considers metallic, polymer, ceramic, and composite material applied in oil and gas industry.
Key Learning Topics:
- Metal, Polymer, Ceramics and Composite applied in Oil and Gas Industry
- Material Properties
- Material Testing
Damage mechanism and failure mode are the nature of Oil and Gas ecosystem during operating condition. As an engineer we need to consider our facility and equipment due to its damage mechanism and failure mode. This section provides general practical knowledges of the most likely damage mechanisms affecting common alloys used in the oil and gas industry and is intended to introduce the concepts of service-induced deterioration and failure modes. To consider the prevention/mitigation strategies to support inspection and monitoring activities and ensure equipment integrity.
Key Learning Topics:
- Description of Damage
- Affected Materials
- Critical Factors controlling the Damage Mechanism
- Affected Equipment
- Damage Mechanism Appearance
- Prevention/Mitigation Measures
- Inspection and Monitoring
The material selection knowledges can be applied to help to avoid costly corrosion damage to the equipment itself. Material selection and corrosion rate calculation are supplements, but does not replace, the materials requirements given in the appropriate design codes, standards, or regulations.
This section describes general principles and gives Hands-on Practical for corrosion rate calculation and material selection for service in equipment used in oil and gas industry, where the failure of such equipment can pose a risk to the health and safety of the public and personnel or to the environment.
Key Learning Topics:
- Hands-on Practical for corrosion rate calculation and material selection
- Corrosion prevention and mitigation
- Inspection Methods and Maintenance
This course will briefly describe Integrity Management that play crucial roles in Oil and Gas Industry to ensure people, systems, processes and resources that enable an asset to deliver its function are in place over the life cycle of the asset, while simultaneously maintaining health and safety and environmental. Integrity Management applies to the entirety of an asset’s operation, from its design phase to its decommissioning and replacement. A challenge for Engineer that works on Integrity Management is to balance the designing, maintenance and replacement of assets throughout their life cycle, while minimising costs to business in terms of finance, time and resources.
Key Learning Topics:
- Case Study for Material Selection: Corrosion rate & Lifetime equipment design
- Case Study for Material Integrity: Failure Analysis on industrial equipment/ FFS / RBI