Fitness for Service

fitness for service
We use INSPECT mechanical integrity software.
Fitness for Service is defined as the ability to demonstrate the structural integrity of an in-service component containing a flaw. The rapidly becoming standard for conducting fitness-for-service assessments is API 579, Fitness for Service.  Our focus in Fitness-for-service assessments is to  provide useful economic and safety benefits to end users and operators.

Fitness-for-service assessments provide useful economic and safety benefits to end users and operators including:

  • Ensuring the safety of plant personnel and the public while older equipment continues to operate
  • Helping to optimize maintenance and operation of existing facilities to maintain the availability of older plants and enhance long term viability.

The procedures can be used for evaluation and re-rating of pressure vessels designed and constructed to the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code; piping systems designed and constructed to the ASME B31.3 Piping Code and above ground storage tanks designed and constructed to API 650 and API 620.

Typical scenarios requiring a fitness for service assessment include:

  • Assessment of equipment for general metal loss;
  • Assessment of equipment for local metal loss
  • Assessment of equipment for brittle fracture;
  • Assessment of equipment for pitting corrosion;
  • Assessment of equipment for blisters and lamination;
  • Assessment of equipment for crack-like flaws;
  • Assessment of fire damage.